Read Capacitor Values

Read the value of the capacitor on the capacitor size can directly be read on the packaging, for small-sized Capacitors capacitor values written in a certain code, by reading the following sebgai capacitor value. On a large capacitor, the capacitance value is generally written by sheer numbers. Complete with a maximum voltage value and polarity. For example on the capacitor capacitance elco clearly written by 22uF / 25v. Capacitors are tiny and small physical size are usually only read 2 (two) or 3 (three) numbers only. If there are only two digits unit is pF (pico farads). For example, a capacitor that reads two numbers 47, then the capacitor capacitance is 47 pF.
  Sample Image Writing Capasitor 
Kapasitor Dengan Penulisan 3 Digit Jika ada 3 digit, angka pertama dan kedua menunjukkan nilai nominal, sedangkan angka ke-3 adalah faktor pengali. Faktor pengali sesuai dengan angka nominalnya, berturut-turut 1 = 10, 2 = 100, 3 = 1.000, 4 = 10.000 dan seterusnya. Misalnya pada kapasitor keramik tertulis 104, maka kapasitansinya adalah 10 x 10.000 = 100.000pF atau = 100nF. Contoh lain misalnya tertulis 222, artinya kapasitansi kapasitor tersebut adalah 22 x 100 = 2200 pF = 2.2 nF.

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Capacitors With Writing 3 Digit 

 If there are three digits, the first and the second shows the nominal value, whereas the number 3 is the multiplier. A multiplying factor according to the nominal figures, respectively 1 = 10, 2 = 100, 3 = 1000, 4 = 10000 and so on. For example the ceramic capacitor 104 is written, then the capacitance is 10 x 10,000 = 100.000pF or = 100nF. Another example is written 222, meaning that the capacitance of the capacitor is 22 x 100 = 2200 pF = 2.2 nF.

Writing With Color Ring capacitors are also written with color codes such as resistors, capacitors, but this type is rarely encountered. The format of writing the capacitor color code is written in 4 colors and 5 ring ring color. Capacitors are written with a color code using the basic units of pico farad (pF). The sequence readout ring capacitor starts from the top ring. The first ring = digit 1, the second ring = digit to 2, the third ring = multiplier, ring to four = tolerance. For example, capacitors with 4 ring starting from the top of a yellow color (4), purple (7), red (2) and green (5%) so that the value of the capacitor is 4700 pF = 4.7 nF with a tolerance of 5%.

 Working Voltage Capacitors
Working voltage is the maximum allowable voltage so that the capacitor can still work well. For example 10uF 25V capacitor, the voltage that can be granted shall not exceed 25 volts dc.

Working Temperature Capacitors

Capacitor still meets the specifications if it works at the appropriate temperature. There are four popular standard used capacitor manufacturers who usually listed in the body such as C0G capacitors (ultra-stable), X7R (stable) and Z5U and Y5V (general purpose). Complete the codes presented in the table above capacitor characteristics.

Tolerance Capacitors
Like the other components, there is a large nominal capacitance tolerance. The value of tolerance with code numbers or letters can be seen in the table above characteristics. For example if a written X7R 104, then kapasitasinya is 100 nF with a tolerance of +/- 15%. Simultaneously dikethaui also recommended that the working temperature is between - 55 ° C to + 125 ° C.
Kapasitor Dengan Penulisan 3 Digit Jika ada 3 digit, angka pertama dan kedua menunjukkan nilai nominal, sedangkan angka ke-3 adalah faktor pengali. Faktor pengali sesuai dengan angka nominalnya, berturut-turut 1 = 10, 2 = 100, 3 = 1.000, 4 = 10.000 dan seterusnya. Misalnya pada kapasitor keramik tertulis 104, maka kapasitansinya adalah 10 x 10.000 = 100.000pF atau = 100nF. Contoh lain misalnya tertulis 222, artinya kapasitansi kapasitor tersebut adalah 22 x 100 = 2200 pF = 2.2 nF.

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