DC motor is an electric motor that requires a supply voltage of direct current in the field coils to be converted into mechanical motion energy. Field coil in dc motor called the stator (the part that does not rotate) and the so-called anchor coil rotor (rotating part). Direct current motors, as the name implies, use direct current indirect / direct-unidirectional. DC motor has three main parts or components can rotate as follows.

Main Components Motor DC
  • Polar terrain =>   simple DC motor has two field poles: a north pole and a south pole. Magnetic lines of force extend across the open space between the poles from north to south. For larger motors or more complex there is one or more electromagnets.
  •  Current electromagnets or Dinamo =>   is Dinamo cylindrical, connected to the countershaft to drive the load. For the case of a small DC motor, the armature rotates in a magnetic field formed by the poles, until the north and south magnetic poles switch location.
  •  Commutator =>   This component is mainly found in the DC motor. Its usefulness is for the transmission of current between the armature and resources.

The main advantage is as a DC motor speed controller, which does not affect the quality of power supply. It can be controlled by adjusting:
  • Armature voltage - increasing the armature voltage will increase the speed
  • field current - reducing the field current will increase the speed.
Types of Motor DC 

Motor DC power source separate / Excited separately, if the field current is supplied from a separate source, the so-called DC motor separate resources / separately excited.
DC motors own resources / Self Excited, In DC motor types of own resources is divided into 3 types as follows:
DC motors Shunt Type 
In a shunt motor, the field winding (shunt field) is connected in parallel with the armature winding (A). Therefore the total line current is the sum of field current and armature current.
Character type shunt DC motor speed is:
  • The speed is practically constant independent of the load (up to a certain torque after which speed decreases) and therefore suitable for commercial use with low initial load, such as machine tools.
  • Speed ​​can be controlled by placing prisoners in series with the armature (speed is reduced), or by placing prisoners on the field current (speed increase).

Type Series DC motor 
In a series motor, the field winding (shunt field) is connected in series with the armature winding (A). Therefore, the same field current to the armature current.Character speed of a DC motor type series are:
  • The speed is limited to 5000 RPM
  • Should be avoided to run a series motor with no load because the motor will accelerate uncontrollably.

Type DC motors compound / Combined
DC motors compound is a combination of series and shunt motors. In a compound motor, the field winding (shunt field) is connected in parallel and in series with the armature winding (A). So the motor has a good starting torque and stable speed. Characters from DC motor type compound / composite is, the higher the percentage of incorporation (ie the percentage of the field winding connected in series), the higher the starting torque can be handled by this motor.

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