DC Voltmeter

DC voltmeter is the electronic measuring instrument that serves to determine large DC voltage between two points in an electrical or electronic circuit load. The concept is used in a DC volt meter is similar to the concept of the ampere meter. In the volt meter volt direct current or DC prisoners meter shunt or shunt resistor in series with the coil rotary permanent magnet (permanent magnet moving coil) PMMC which serves as a

Multiplier Resistor
The addition of a prisoner Multiplier series resistors or multiplier (multiplier), change the d'Arsonval movement into a direct current voltmeter. Prisoners multiplier kealat current limiting measure in order not to exceed the current full Sakala (IDP). A direct current voltmeter measures the potential difference between two points in a direct current circuit and thus are connected in parallel to a voltage source circuit or component. Usually terminal-termianal this measure positive and negative marked for polarity must be specified.

Multiplier resistance value required to increase the voltage measuring limit is determined from the following figure,
          V = Im (Rs + Rm)


Im  = flow deflection of the measuring instrument
Rm = prisoners in measuring devices
Rs  = prisoners multiplier
V   = voltage maximum summary of the instrument

Basic circuit Voltmeter image Direct Current

     Typically for measuring limit to 500 V multiplier installed inside the box voltmeter. For higher voltages, the multiplier is mounted on a pair of polar probes outside the box to prevent excess heat inside the voltmeter.

 Summary voltmeter Doubles
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The addition of a number of multipliers along with a summary of the switch makes the instrument can be used for a number of summary voltage. A summary double voltmeter using a four-position switch (V1, V2, V3, and V4) and four multipliers (R1, R2, R3, and R4). Value of the prisoners multiplier can be determined with the previous method, or the method sensitivity.

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