A transistor is a semiconductor device that is used as an amplifier, as the circuit breaker and junction (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation or as other functions. Transistors can serve a kind of electric faucet, which is based on the input current (BJT) or voltage input (FET), enabling highly accurate electrical flow from the electrical source circuit.
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In general, the transistor has three terminals, namely the base (B), emitter (E) and collector (C). The voltage at the emitter terminal for example can be used to set the current and voltage greater than the input current Base, ie the output voltage and output current collector.
Transistors were first discovered in 1948 by William Shockley, John Barden and WH Brattain. However, these components into use in 1958. The transistor type is divided into two, namely the PNP type transistor and NPN transistor.
How it works almost the same as the resistor transistor having a modern basic types. Modern basic types are divided into two, namely Bipolar Junction Transistor or at short BJT and Field Effect Transistor or FET. BJT can work bedasarkan input current, whereas FET works based on the input voltage.
In the world of modern electronics, transistors are extremely important, especially in analog circuits due to its function as an amplifier. Analog circuit consists of a loudspeaker, stable power source and the radio signal amplifier. Not only analog circuits, digital circuits at the transistor are also used as a switch to high speed. Some transistors can also be in the chain that serves as a logic gate.
Types of transistors also vary, based on the categories distinguished as a semiconductor material, physical packaging, type, polarity, maximum power capacity, maximum working frequency, application and many other species.
The shape of the transistor has undergone many changes. One of them has successfully created a transistor with a super small size only in the size of the nano-micron (transistors that have been packaged in a computer processor). Because the shape of the working voltage and frequency roaming very large and wide, no wonder these components used in the circuit elektornika. Examples are transistors in analog circuits are used as amplifiers, switches, voltage stability, and so forth. Not only in analog circuits, digital circuits are also contained in the transistor which functions as a switch because it has high speed and can process data very accurately.
How it Works transistor is not as complicated as other components, because the capabilities can evolve regularly and physical forms can be fickle make transistors become the primary choice in electronic circuits. Even today the transistors are integrated and unified from some Janis transistors into a single more complex components.
Such is a brief description of the sense transistor, hopefully the above article and useful for you all.
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