Viewer 7 segments
Viewer 7 segments are electronic components that serves to encode the data from the machine language into shape decimal data view. viewer 7 segment LED is basically konfigarasi arranged such that the flame of the LED can form character decimal number. The structure of the seven segment display of the viewer is labeled from A to G which can display the first 10 characters of decimal numbers from 0 to 9. Construction of the seven-segment viewer is shown in the following figure.

Viewer seven segment is a composition of several LEDs are arranged such that the construction as above. LED seven-segment LED constituent viewer has a maximum limit of a current from the cathode to the anode in general, so that the application penempil seven segments given in the form of a current-limiting resistor in series to him. Viewer seven segments exist in two types, namely the type of anode and cathode type joint along the internal construction is shown in the following figure. 

To use the viewer 7 segment along the cathode (common cathoda) then pin A - G viewer 7 segment must be given in the form of positive DC voltage input then the terminal common to the viewer 7 segment is connected to ground. Then to operate the viewer 7 anode segments together (common anode), the input terminal A - G on the viewer 7 segment should be connected to ground then the common terminal connected to a positive DC voltage source. Current limiting resistors for 7 segment LED on the viewer should be installed in series on each pin or input lines A - G on visual / viewer 7 that segment. Installation of such resistors is aimed to obtain stable LED bias current on any changes character 7 segment display on the viewer.

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