Resistor is a passive electronic component that has the ability to inhibit and limit the incoming electric current in an electronic circuit. A unit of resistance is called Ohm resistor and denoted by the symbol omega (Ω). According to Ohm's law that resistance is inversely proportional to the amount of current flowing through it. In addition to the value of the resistance (Ohm) resistor has a value of tolerance. All values associated with the resistor is important to note in the design of an electronic circuit therefore always include the resistor manufacturer in the resistor packs.
Symbols Resistor
Below is a resistor symbol in the form of images used in an electronic circuit :
Resistor Power CapacityPower capacity on the resistor value of the maximum power that is able to be passed by the resistor. Value resistor power capacity can be recognized from the physical size resistors and writing power capacity in units of Watts to resistor with great physical packaging. Determine the capacity of the resistor is important to avoid damaged resistor due to excess power flowing to the resistor burned and as a form of cost efficiency and place in the manufacture of electronic circuit.
Types of Resistors
Based on the type and the materials used to make the resistor divided into wire resistors, resistor charcoal and metal oxide resistors or resistor metal films.
Wirewound Resistor
Carbon Resistor
Carbon resistor is a resistor that is created with the main ingredient charcoal or carbon rods. The carbon resistor is a resistor that is widely used and many are traded. Resistors in the market of this type can be encountered with 1/16 Watt power capacity, 1/8 Watt, Watt 1/4, 1/2 Watt, 1 Watt, 2 Watt and 3 Watt.
Metal Oxide Resistors
Metal oxide resistor is a resistor that is the main ingredient dibuah with metal oxides have better characteristics. Metal film resistor can be found with a value tolerasni 1% and 2%. Physical form of metal film resistors like denganresistor more carbon just different colors and number of colors used cicin in the assessment of the resistor. Just like resistorkarbon, resistor metal film is also produced in some power capacity that is 1/8 Watt, Watt 1/4, 1/2 Watt. Resistor metal film is widely used for measurement purposes, the industrial and military equipment.
Then based on the resistance value resistor can be divided into two types: Fixed Resistors and Variable Resistors
Fixed Resistor
Fixed resistor is a resistor whose resistance value can be changed or fixed tidap. This type of resistor used in electronic circuits as limiting current in an electronic circuit. Fixed resistor can we meet in beberpa types, such as:
- Metal Film Resistor
- Metal Oxide Resistor
- Carbon Film Resistor
- Ceramic Encased Wirewound
- Economy Wirewound
- Zero Ohm Jumper Wire
- S I P Resistor Network
Variable Resistor
Resistors are not fixed or variable resistor Consist two types, namely:
- Pontensiometer, the type of variable resistor that can be adjusted resistance value directly because it has been equipped with a control lever. Potentiometer consists of two types namely Potentiometer Potentiometer Linear and logarithmic
- Trimer potentiometer, which is the type of variable resistor that requires tools (screwdriver) to set the resistance value. In general, this type resistors referred to as "Trimer Potentiometer or VR"
- Thermistor, which is the type of a variable resistor yangnilairesistansinya will change with the temperature around the resistor. Thermistor consists of two types of NTC and PTC. For details of the thermistor will be discussed in another article.
- LDR (Light Depending Resistor), which is the type of variable resistor resistance value will change to follow the light received by the LDR.
The types of fixed and variable resistors above will be discussed in more detail in another article.
Calculating the Value Resistor
The resistor value can be determined by the color code and code letters on the resistor. Resistor with a resistance value is determined by the color code can be found on the fixed resistor with low power capacity, while the value of the resistor is determined by the code letters can be found on a fixed resistor and a variable resistor daaya large.
Resistor Color Code
Ring found on resistor color consists of 4 rings 5 and 6 ring colors. Of color rings are of a resistor that has meaning and value in which the value of the resistor color codes are:
1. Resistor color code with 4 rings
Then ring to 1 and 2 to the digit, and the color code rings to 3 is the multiplier then ring warnake code 4 shows the value of the resistor tolerance.
2. Resistor with 5 rings color code
Then ring to 1, 2 and 3 is digit number, and color-coded rings to 4 is a multiplier factor then color code rings to 5 show the value of the resistor tolerance.
3. Resistors with 6 color ring
Resistors with 6 cicin color on the same principle with a resistor with 5 rings of color in determining the resistance value. 6 rings to determine coefisien temperature is the maximum temperature allowed for the resistors.
Letter Code Resistor
Resistors with code letters can be read easily karenanilia resistance value is written directly resistance. Pad generally resistors that are written with the order of writing a letter code has power capacity, resistance value and tolerance resistors. Letter code used for writing the resistance value and tolerance resistors.
Letter Code For Resistance Values:
- R, means x1 (Ohm)
- K, means x1000 (Kohm)
- M, then x 1000000 (MOhm)
Code Letter To Value Tolerance:
- F, for tolerance of 1%
- G, to a tolerance of 2%
- J, to a tolerance of 5%
- K, for a tolerance of 10%
- M, for tolerance of 20%
In determining a resistor in an electronic circuit that must be remembered in addition to determining the resistance value is menentukankan power capacity and tolerance. This is related to the market price of the resistor and the area required in putting resistors in electronic circuits.
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