The working principle of capacitors in general similar to the resistor which is also included in the passive components. Passive components are the type of component that works without requiring a bias current. The capacitor consists of two metal plates (conductors) separated by insulating material (insulator). Insulating or insulating material widely referred to as the dielectric substance.
Dielectric substance used to insulate these two components is useful to distinguish the types of capacitors. In
this world there are some who use the capacitor dielectric material,
such as paper, mica, liquid plastics and many other dielectric
materials. In
the electronic circuit, a capacitor is needed, especially to prevent
electric spark jumps in the circuit containing the coil. In addition, the capacitor can also store charge or electrical energy
in the circuit, can choose the wavelength of the radio receiver and a
filter in the power supply (Power Supply).
Capacitors in electronic circuits function as a store of electrical current or voltage. For DC current, the capacitor can function as Isulator (retaining an electric current), while for AC current, the capacitor serves as a conductor (passing an electric current). In its application, the capacitor much in use as a filter or filter, voltage rectifiers used to convert AC to DC, AC waveform generator (insulators) and many other applications.
Types of Capacitors are divided into various. Because distinguished by its polarity, material creation and provision capacitor value. Besides having many types, shapes of the capacitor also varies. For example, large paper capacity capacitor 0.1 F, large capacity electrolytic capacitors and capacitor 105 pF large variable capacity can we change up to a maximum of 500 pF.
Capacitors in electronic circuits function as a store of electrical current or voltage. For DC current, the capacitor can function as Isulator (retaining an electric current), while for AC current, the capacitor serves as a conductor (passing an electric current). In its application, the capacitor much in use as a filter or filter, voltage rectifiers used to convert AC to DC, AC waveform generator (insulators) and many other applications.
Types of Capacitors are divided into various. Because distinguished by its polarity, material creation and provision capacitor value. Besides having many types, shapes of the capacitor also varies. For example, large paper capacity capacitor 0.1 F, large capacity electrolytic capacitors and capacitor 105 pF large variable capacity can we change up to a maximum of 500 pF.
Prinsip Pembentukan
Jika dua buah plat atau lebih yang berhadapan dan dibatasi oleh
isolasi, kemudian plat tersebut dialiri listrik maka akan terbentuk
kondensator (isolasi yang menjadi batas kedua plat tersebut dinamakan
Bahan dielektrikum yang digunakan berbeda-beda sehingga penamaan
kapasitor berdasarkan bahan dielektrikum. Luas plat yang berhadapan
bahan dielektrikum dan jarak kedua plat mempengaruhi nilai
Pada suatu rangkaian yang tidak terjadi kapasitor liar. Sifat yang
demikian itu disebutkan kapasitansi parasitic. Penyebabnya adalah adanya
komponen-komponen yang berdekatan pada jalur penghantar listrik yang
berdekatan dan gulungan-gulungan kawat yang berdekatan.
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