Electro Types of Capacitors

Types of capacitors in electronic circuit is divided into two kinds, namely capacitors polar and non-polar capacitor. In the mean polar capacitor is a type of capacitor that has two poles and has a positive polarity / negative. This capacitor is made of electrolyte material which has a large capacitance value in comparison with the use of a capacitor dielectric material.

While the mean non-polar capacitor is kind of capacitor does not have positive and negative polarity on both poles. These capacitors can also be used in reverse. This capacitor has a capacitance value which is usually small because it is made of ceramic material and mica. Although both types of capacitors are widely used to store electrical charges, but still a lot of difference between the two types, among which are the materials used and also function in everyday usefulness.

1. Kapasitor Tetap Kapasitor tetap adalah kapasitor yang memiliki kapasitansi tetap dan tidak dapat diubah-ubah. Pada kategori kapasitor tetap, terdapat 2 jenis kapasitor yang dapat dibedakan berdasarkan polaritas elektrodanya.

Read more at: http://elektronika-dasar.web.id/teori-elektronika/jenis-jenis-kapasitor/
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1. Kapasitor Tetap Kapasitor tetap adalah kapasitor yang memiliki kapasitansi tetap dan tidak dapat diubah-ubah. Pada kategori kapasitor tetap, terdapat 2 jenis kapasitor yang dapat dibedakan berdasarkan polaritas elektrodanya.

Read more at: http://elektronika-dasar.web.id/teori-elektronika/jenis-jenis-kapasitor/
Copyright © Elektronika Dasar
1. Kapasitor Tetap Kapasitor tetap adalah kapasitor yang memiliki kapasitansi tetap dan tidak dapat diubah-ubah. Pada kategori kapasitor tetap, terdapat 2 jenis kapasitor yang dapat dibedakan berdasarkan polaritas elektrodanya.

Read more at: http://elektronika-dasar.web.id/teori-elektronika/jenis-jenis-kapasitor/
Copyright © Elektronika Dasar
1. Fixed Capacitors 
Capacitors fixed capacitor has a capacitance is fixed and can not be changed. In the category of fixed capacitors, there are two types of capacitors that can be distinguished based on the polarity of the electrodes.

Polar Capacitor
a. Polar Capacitor 
Electrolytic capacitor group consisting of capacitors dielectric materials are metal-oxide layer. Generally capacitor including this group is polar capacitor with the + and - in the body. Why these capacitors can have a polarity, is due to the manufacturing process uses electrolysis to form the positive pole and negative pole anode cathode. It has long been known for some metals such as tantalum, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, niobium, zirconium and zinc (zinc) surface can be oxidized to form a metal-oxide layer (oxide film). Oxidation layer is formed through a process of electrolysis, as in the process of gold plating. Metal electrodes are dipped into a solution of electrolit (sodium borate) and given a positive voltage (anode) and the solution given electrolit negative voltage (cathode). Oxygen in the electrolyte solution apart and mengoksidai metal plate surface.
b. Non-Polar Capacitor
Non-polar capacitors are capacitors made with a group of dielectric material of ceramic, film and mica. Ceramic and mica are a popular material and cheap to make small capacitance capacitors. Quantities available from pF to several UF, which is usually for a series of applications relating to high frequency. Including a group of film dielectrics are materials such as polyester materials (polyethylene terephthalate or known as Mylar), polystyrene, polyprophylene, polycarbonate, metalized paper and others.

Non-Polar Capacitor

 2. Variable Capacitors
variable capacitor is a capacitor whose capacitance value can be changed or capacitance can be set as desired with the maximum limit indicated on the capacitor. Example of a variable capacitor (Varco / trimer capacitor) written 100pF capacitance of the capacitor can then be set up to 100pF to near 0 pF.

The application of this variable capacitor can be found on a radio receiver circuit or wave generator, variable capacitors can also be found on the radio transmitter. The function of this variable capacitor on the circuit is to set the value of the resonant frequency generated from the wave generator circuit, and a transmitter and antenna impedance trimers on the radio transmitter.

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