LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Dot-Matrix HD44780

LCD is the display which uses the reflection of light from outside as it looks. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Dot-Matrix HD44780 is one type of dot-matrix LCD with 4 × 20 characters and is controlled by the controller Hitachi HD44780. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Dot-Matrix HD44780 can display character numeric numbers, alphabet letters, Japanese letters and symbols. Both components are packaged in a PCB to form a module that can be directly used. This then has eight data lines (DB0 s / d DB7) and three control lines (RS, R / W, E). This module uses a voltage of + 5V Vcc.

Dot-Matrix LCD HD44780

 Configuration Pin Dot-Matrix LCD HD44780
  • Pin 1 (Vss) as the track power supply ground (GND) 
  • Pin 2 (Vcc) as a path positive power supply (+ 5V)  
  • Pin 3 (Vee) is the LCD contrast control  
  • Pin 4 (RS) path or a command instruction data selection 
  • Pin 5 (R / W) is the path instruction read / write on the LCD  
  • Pin 6 (E) enable control line LCD  
  • Pin7 - 14 pins (DB0 - DB7) is a data path control and data characters to LCD        
Of the 14 pin owned LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Dot-Matrix HD44780, 8 pins of which are used to receive and transmit data from and to the LCD, yaiitu pin DB0 - DB7. 3 while the other pin is used to control the operation. Pin RS, is used by the system processor to meberi know HD44780 LCD, whether binary information given on DB0 - DB7 is the instruction or data.

Pin E, is used by the system to notify LCD HD44780 processor to start processing the signals provided by the processor, yan characterized by transitional logic pin E of Hogh to Low. 
Especially for the pin DB7 than as a data bus, these pins can also be used to notify the system microcontroller that the LCD is still busy and not ready to receive data next instruction.

Basic instruction Dot-Matrix LCD HD44780 
  •  Clear display, this Directive tampian used to clean and restore the cursor position to the beginning.   
  • Function set, is used to determine the width of the interface (8-bit or 4-bit) or DL, the number of display lines (N), and form letters (F). In the 4 × 20 LCD display's width can be determined interface between 8-bit and 4-bit. Differences interface 8 bit and 4 bits are of use amount of the data bus lines and the method of writing and reading instruction. 
  • Entry Mode Set, This instruction is used to determine the direction of movement of the cursor (I / D) rated "1" and determine the direction of shifting the display (S) rated "1". This operation is used for writing and reading data. 

Konfigurasi Pin LCD Dot-Matrix HD44780 Pin 1 (Vss) sebagai jalur power supply ground (GND) Pin 2 (Vcc) sebagai jalur power supply positif (+5V) Pin 3 (Vee) merupakan kontrol kontras LCD Pin 4 (RS) jalur instruksi pemilihan data atau perintah Pin 5 (R/W) merupakan jalur instruksi read / write pada LCD Pin 6 (E) jalur kontrol enable LCD Pin7 – pin 14 (DB0 – DB7) adalah jalur data kontrol dan data karakter untuk LCD

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Konfigurasi Pin LCD Dot-Matrix HD44780 Pin 1 (Vss) sebagai jalur power supply ground (GND) Pin 2 (Vcc) sebagai jalur power supply positif (+5V) Pin 3 (Vee) merupakan kontrol kontras LCD Pin 4 (RS) jalur instruksi pemilihan data atau perintah Pin 5 (R/W) merupakan jalur instruksi read / write pada LCD Pin 6 (E) jalur kontrol enable LCD Pin7 – pin 14 (DB0 – DB7) adalah jalur data kontrol dan data karakter untuk LCD

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  • Copyright © Elektronika Dasar

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